Mixed Reality makes workplaces more efficient and effective

What’s mixed reality? It’s the result of generating a digital layer of information that is merged with a real environment that users can interact with in real-time. It can also be described as an enhanced version of augmented reality (AR), adding the physical interaction that defines virtual reality (VR).

This technology creates an enhanced, realistic environment where users can interact with both real-world and computer-generated objects. Its advanced capabilities can directly impact how companies develop their products, train their employees, and market their products or services.

Do you want to read more about it? Check out the article written by our Laura Bohnert for Training Industry: Advancing the Industrial Workplace With Mixed Reality.

In mixed reality, learners can engage with both virtual simulations and physical objects in a combined experience.

For additional readings, check out a past article by Julia Pelton for the same publication: The Application of Virtual Reality in the Corporate World.

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