How the Best VR Learning Can Outclass Traditional Learning Results

In with the New…

Although sticking with classic learning methods is appealing, embracing new techniques can have a positive effect on learners and educational ROI. Virtual Reality (VR), specifically headset VR, has been proven to be an effective learning medium, but that doesn’t mean all VR learning is created equal.

Why it works

VR learning enhances the student’s experience in a unique way that previous learning technologies have struggled with. Specifically, they increase presence and agency, otherwise known as the feeling of “being there”, and control over a situation. Why is this important for learning? Well, these two factors have proven to have major impacts on a learner’s interest, motivation, Self-efficacy, embodiment, cognitive load, and self-regulation. These are the main factors we need to look at when studying effective learning techniques.

Digging Deeper in VR Learning

VR learning’s strengths lie in the ability to incite and continually encourage learning. Feedback from virtual instructors, interactions within the virtual world, and other immersive aspects of VR learning are cited in a recent study as some of the leading benefits of VR learning. However, the study also points out that you can have too much of a good thing.

Your Biggest Mistake in VR learning

The biggest mistake you might be making? You just might be doing too much. VR learning, according to Educational Psychology Review, already excels in multiple learning factors but one sector can be overdone – cognitive load. In fact, VR learning can cause cognitive overload.

Overloading your students

Cognitive overload is described as when the human brain has reached its learning limit. VR learning provides creators with infinite opportunities to add interactive elements in a VR world, but this can be too much for the learners. The VR environment already provides the learner with a larger field of view than a traditional computer monitor, factor in additional interactive elements and students’ brains can fill up quickly.

Less is more

How do we solve this problem? Easy — focus on the material at hand and learning goals. Ensure that the elements present within the VR learning environment are necessary and effective. It can be exciting when creating content and educational material within the virtual world but focusing on the necessary content will result in a better transfer of knowledge.

Where to start

As experts in the VR learning realm, Modest Tree is uniquely qualified to help guide the creation and implementation of VR education programs that utilize the strengths of VR without hitting cognitive overload. If you’re looking for advice on where to start, start with us. Contact us at and begin using the most immersive learning platform the right way.

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